A List Of 10 Most Commonly Used Research Terminologies

A List Of 10 Most Commonly Used Research Terminologies

Research Papers

Research terminology is useful for comprehending different contexts and scientific writings within the research world. Learning the terminologies of technical and scientific settings assists students in comprehending the core message of the text. Also, it assists professionals in transmitting the material. Research terminologies are an important aspect of research that students and scholars must know to incorporate within their research works.

List Of Ten Most Commonly Used Research Terminologies

Research supervisors always expect their students to write a research paper or thesis, which may at first appear to be a daunting task. In this regard, you must know that any research requires a methodical technique for collecting and applying scientific knowledge. The more successful your research is, the more believable and appealing is your argument. So, you must know the most commonly used research terminologies and use them in a correct way. If you use appropriate research terminologies in your research, you must also know their respective functions.

Research is a systematic and scientific process that answers a researchable question and the relationship between facts. You must know about these terminologies to use them in the research writing. Still, if you are facing any problem, you can get research paper help from The Academic Papers UK. Here is a list of ten most commonly used research terminologies.

Research Data

Research data consists of any data collected during the study, including facts, figures and statistics. It can contain textual data, calculations, audio, and images. You often save such data on a computer to analyse and understand it later. This analysis leads to understanding the data and then presenting it to others. You can present the analysed data in publications, charts, or infographics.

Research Variables

Research variables are attributes or characteristics that can change over time, and you can study the relationship between them. Variables can include height, weight, gender, colour, and any quality or quantity of an individual. Moreover, research variables comprise independent and dependent variables, which are also known as cause-and-effect variables. A researcher can purposely manipulate or change the independent variable. In contrast, the dependent variable is the outcome of the change that occurs in the independent variable.

Research Sources

Research sources are the evidence or data you collect during your study. These sources classify into primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are the first-hand data that you collect from your research, including surveys, questionnaires, interviews, or site visits. In contrast, secondary sources are those already presented and published by someone. Secondary sources range from journal articles and textbooks to governmental websites and scientific webpages.

Research Methods

The procedure used by researchers to analyse data refers to research methods. You can perform quantitative or qualitative research, including interviews, questionnaires, clinical trials, experiments, and data analysis. If you perform quantitative research, you can conduct a clinical trial or survey. If you want to observe people’s behaviour or interview a sample, you conduct qualitative research.

Research Hypothesis

A hypothesis is a research terminology that you can use to test an assumption. It is a tentative statement and an unproved theory that you test through your research. If you want to test a hypothesis in an appropriate way, you must state it and use the correct research method.

Data Analysis

Data analysis is one of the research terminologies used to sort, organise and scrutinise the research data. It answers the research questions and draws conclusions. Data analysis also helps in inspecting and analysing the overall research data to answer the research questions. It entails recognising patterns and discussing primary topics by using specialised software tools.


As a research terminology, sample or population refers to a certain group you are examining in your research. A sample derived from your population should be representative of the wider population. Any attribute such as location, age group or specific illnesses may describe a population. You must use an appropriate sampling technique such as probability sampling or non-probability sampling to select your sample from a targeted population.

Operational definition

An operational definition is one of the research terminologies that involves defining each variable under investigation. You must state the operational definition of variables so that it shows how you can measure the variables in an actual situation.

Research Bias

Research bias is a research terminology means there is an inaccuracy or diversion from the truth or assumptions of your research. If there are systematic differences in the groups you compare in your research, there is a selection bias. If a participant withdraws from your study during the investigation, it leads to an attrition bias. Performance bias occurs when disparities among randomised groups other than the intervention you are using are accidentally introduced, which ultimately disrupts the study’s outcomes. Besides these research terminologies, detection bias refers to systemic disparities in how the results of the study are assessed among groups.

Research Ethics

One of the most important research components is the discussion of ethics as a research terminology. Ethics in research is important so that no violation of human rights can occur during research. Ethics refers to principles that govern researchers who carry out human-focused research. Ethical standards are intended to safeguard the participants’ security, privacy, autonomy, integrity, and well-being. It includes the necessity to get each person’s informed agreement to participate in a research study. In all situations, the manner in which you acquire, analyse and use data must be ethical and compliant with ethical standards.


To conclude, it is critical to understand all the research terminologies commonly used in research. A list of the ten most commonly used research terminologies is not exhaustive. Many other research terminologies are common to use. You can use this list to guide your research writings and produce an academic research paper.